Let us give credit where credit is due. Our government officials are clearly working hard to save the life of Marilou Ranario who was sentenced to death for killing her employer in Kuwait. We hope that all these efforts will not go for naught and that the Kuwaiti Supreme Court, who will start hearing on her appeal soon, will look kindly on her situation. Read the full story at the Inquirer:
RP seeks clemency for OFW on Kuwait death row
MANILA, Philippines -- President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo, Vice President Noli de Castro and Foreign Secretary Alberto Romulo have sought executive clemency for Filipino domestic helper Marilou Ranario as she appeals her death sentence in Kuwait.Philippine Ambassador to Kuwait Ricardo Endaya said in his report to the Department of Foreign Affairs that all three Philippine leaders had made representations with the Kuwaiti ruler to grant Ranario clemency as the Supreme Court there starts hearing her appeal of the lower court’s decision sentencing her to hang for killing her employer.
Ranario lost the case in the Kuwaiti Court of Appeals. Her employer’s family, however, refused to accept her blood money in exchange for her life.
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this post is interesting c: you seemed like a lawyer and your concern to people is good thanx for the info we shall pray for her c: me and my son c: hehehe c:
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